27 Temmuz 2010 Salı


Western history includes many interesting social engineering stories. One of them is about the Kurds.
Turkish nationalism is accepted as "late nationalism" why Turks has been the founder element of Ottoman Empire. However, Ottoman state has been based on Islamic infrastructure.
Turks understood that "they are Turks" in early years of 20th century. National Liberation War was the starting point of the state which was described with Turkishness. Before Lausanne negotiations, sultanate was abolished by Turkish Grand National Assembly. After Lausanne Treaty, Republic of Turkey was founded by the Turkish parliament. All of these revolutional steps were realized under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's leadership.
Atatürk created a secular infrastructure for Republic of Turkey. And the state abolished caliphate in 1924.
Main opposition to the secular republic came from Islamist-Kurdist feudal elements.
In early Republic Era, Kurds in Southern Eastern Anatolia were provoked by Sheiks in the context of Islamism and it was related with Ottoman identity.
On the other hand, late 1930's showed Kurdishness in Kurdish upheavals.
Kurdish opposition kept its silence until 1970's. Socialist opposition facilitated Kurdish organizations.
PKK was founded in late 1970's by Ocalan which was the Kurdish seperatist organization.
PKK began its attacks in 1984. US intervention to Iraq developed PKK's violence. Because US operation created a no fly zone. And it meant Kurdistan in Iraq.
At last second Gulf War, concluded with a new Iraq. Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) became official with new Iraq constitution in 2005.
US withdrawing plan from Iraq implicated a consensus between Turkey and KRG. US policy reflected to AKP government's policy in the name of "Kurdish opening".
But PKK rejected the plan. PKK did not accept to leave arms. The seperatist organization demanded to be political organization and armed group in the same time.
AKP's government underlined IHH and Gaza flotilla for 18 days. (May 31-June 18)Erdogan dreamt to be Middle Eastern leader and used flotilla. AKP did not get attention to PKK attack to Iskenderun naval base in May 31. It preferred to provoke flotilla event.
PKK started its attacks again in June 19. AKP tried to ignore PKK attacks. But the attacks shaped a tension in Western provinces of Turkey. In each day new martyrs have gone to these provinces.
Inegol and Dörtyol events are the main risks for national heritage. Ethnic clash is occurring.
We can see that Western countries achieve to build a new nation in the Middle East.
But the score is wondered about Turkey as NATO member and US ally country. Turkey's instability would feed Western failure in the region.

19 Temmuz 2010 Pazartesi


If it is remembered, we have underlined "Israel's Iron Dome Missile Shield" in January 2010.

deniz tansi international, "Israel's iron dome missile shield", January 7, 2010.

Israeli media emphasized that, "Iron dome tested succesfully".

Associated Press, "Iron dome passes final tests", Jerusalem Post, July 19, 2010. http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?id=181936

And according to the sources, it will be active in November 2010.
What does it mean? As it is known, there are some expectations for further wars around Israel.
One of them is related Lebanon's Hizballah. And it is called as "III. Lebanon War". Or any scenarios are considered about Gaza which is stated as III. Intifada.
Israel is preparing a missile shield against Iran's proxy forces. Hamas-Hizballah line is so motivated for "wiping Israel off the map". It can be seen a provocative story.
However, Iran's possible "nuclear power" targets to change regions' balances fundamentally.
Hamas-Hizballah activities are part of these efforts.
Israeli defense ministry explained that, first Iron dome batteries would be deployed in November.
Iron Dome is unique for her kind.
Katyushas and Al Quassam's will be useless?
It can be an another question for the Middle Eastern clashes...